Ingredients of a LL&W River Rat
Article 15 - September 6, 2019
Written by Leah Cafarelli
River Rats on a Boat
Ingredients of a LL&W River Rat:
2 dirty rubber boots
1 pair of gloves
3 squirts of sunscreen
1 nearly broken shovel
4 cups of spontaneity
1 pinch of sarcasm
5 ounces of determination
1/2 a tire and/or toilet
1 misplaced life jacket
1 packet of Emergen-C
1 tank of diesel fuel
2 tickets to some sort of live music
1 Igloo of water
87 stickers
- Whatever room is left in the blender simply fill with garbage and love for the environment!
- Blend ingredients together and throw them in a bowl. Garnish with a dash of mud.
- Pairs well with a whole pot of coffee or a local brewski!